Everybody Needs Inspiration~~ Sept 22, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011 by joyous.lie in Labels:


Physics LT - Circular Dynamics/ Linear Dynamics with Two or more bodies (the tension-thingy). According to sir, it's a little bit shorter. 20 pts

conceptual and 20 pts problem solving

Socsci LT - Documentaries on Greece, Egypt and Mayan Civilizations. The ones from the book are also included. Other sections say it's chicken as long as you review ;;)

Chem - Quiz bee-thingy-majiger. IDK why ma'am even thought of that :)))

Chem HW:
1. list 2 reasons why gasses deviate from ideal behavior
2. what is the van der waals equation?
3. What does N^2/v^2 term account for? how about nb?

Bio - Myth Busters proposal :-bd

Math- Homework! But it says here that it's due on Monday pa. IDK lang :))


  • 11 & 1
  • 4 & 6
  • 8 & 16
  • 13 & 22
  • 20 & 26
  • 2 & 21
  • 5 & 17
  • 9 & 18
  • 15 & 24
  • 23 & 24
  • 3 & 14
  • 7 & 12
  • 19 & 28
  • 27 & 29
  • 10


1.) (1 - cosθ)(1 + secθ)cotθ = sinθ

2.) (secθ + cscθ)/(tanθ + cotθ) = sinθ + cosθ

3.) (1 - cosθ)/(1 + cosθ) = (cscθ - cotθ)^2

4.) ((1 - sinx)/(cosx) ) + cosx/(1 - sinx) = 2 secx

5.) secθ/(1 - sinθ) = (1 + sinθ)/cos^3 θ

6.) ((2 cox^2 θ - 1)^2/(cos^4 θ - sin^4 θ) = 1 - 2sin^2 θ

7.) (1 + sinθ + cosθ)/(1 + sinθ - cosθ) = (1 + cosθ)/sinθ

8.) secθ/(tanθ - sinθ) = (1 + cosθ)/sin3 θ

9.) (tan θ/(1 - cotθ)) + (cotθ/(1 - tanθ)) = 1 + tanθ + cotθ

  1. CHEM HW:
    1) List 2 reasons why gases deviate from ideal behaivior?
    2) What is the Van der Waals equation? Write the formula?
    3) Waht does "((n^2)a)/V^2 " term account for? How about the "nb" term?

    - Done on a 1/2 sheet of paper

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