Hey guys! Here's what you need to know for tomorrow :-bd
Soc Sci - Athlos on Chapter 14.
Chem - 10.65, 10.67, 10.68 on a 1/2 sheet crosswise.
English - Reporting for 'Scent of Apples'. There will be a quiz on 'Rice', 'Faith, Love, Time and Dr. Lazaro' and 'Scent of Apples'.
Bio - Quiz on Blood clot, transfer of nutrients to the capillary, law of continuity(?), etc.
Math - Quiz on proving :-bd
Others! During one of the UBs, we'll have a practice for the Flag Cem facilitation. And and bring 100 for the class funds. M'kayyy?
~~~~~~~Next week! ~~~~~~~
Chem probset! 10.62, 10.68, 10.72, 10.89, 10.100, 10.106
Math! Speed test on Monday. Coverage is still on SinCosTan values but now we only have 10 secs :O
~~~~~~Other Reminders!~~~~~~~
Sept 26 - STR Capsule proposal
Oct 3 - Filipino original story and Bio Immune System video