11-4-11 to 11-7-11
Friday, November 4, 2011 by Rox Gee in Labels: , ,

The Dilemma Begins.

The Dilemma is Nonexistent.

Good Evening, my beloved Cesium, here are your reminders for the three-day weekend.


Create a poster that promotes proper segregation and waste disposal
Groupings are as follows:
01. Abon, Calinao, Espina, Gan, Martin, Navarro, Sadural, Salazar, Sanchez,
02. Cadiz, Canal, Choa, Dayao, Encarnacion, Garcia, Mallari, Pacardo, Pama
03. Bajamundi, Domingo, Guico, Juguilon, Kalaw
, Panagsagan, Reyes, Tan, Zoleta

Where does Dela Cruz and Jumangit go?

This is due on Tuesday, November 8, 2011.

Finish your song
Sir has tweaked the specs a bit.
You are still supposed to create a song according to the themes but they may now have more than five lines.
Also, Sir said prepare to sing in class, now it's you will most probably be asked to sing in class.

Familiarize yourself with the following terms
Note, though, that I said familiarize. This is not required to be written down or passed.
clergy, sacrament, canon law, Holy Roman Empire, lay investiture, simony, St. Francis of Assissi, Gothic, Urban II, Crusades, Saladin, Richard the Lion Hearted, Reconquista, the Inquisition

Journal fillers
These will be returned on Tuesday.

This is a two-quarter class project that will be formally presented to us by Sir on Tuesday.


Experiment No. 27
The Laboratory Report is supposed to be due on Friday. Await further notice.

Activity No. 1
From an illustration board, cut a circle, square, triangle, L-shaped and irregularly shaped pieces.
Find their centers of gravity.

Problem Set (due November 16)


Field Trip
The field trip is on the 14th of November. Joining it is recommended but not mandatory; those who will not be coming will be given make-up work. A fee of 280 PhP is asked individually.


Please submit your poem titles and authors to me, Gan (patroxgan@gmail.com), by Monday, November 7, 2011. Hard copies of the poems will be accepted until November 8, 2011. After that any conflicts that arise among the poem choices will not be my fault anymore. 

Check the others' poems here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/108FhY7qVXl9j8VoK5AgO2daUKizHjwfUTMsdH3igiFY/edit?hl=en_GB


Don't forget to fill up your OPFs and conceptualize the photographs each group will be taking (per chapter). These will be used for the presentations of the Tao Te Ching.

01. 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26 (Chapters 4, 7, 8)
02. 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27 (Chapters 9, 11, 12)
03. 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28 (Chapters 15, 16, 18)
04. 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29 (Chapters 19, 22, 24)
05. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 (Chapters 47, 56, 57)

The quiz is about the introduction on the Tao Te Ching.


Quiz (?)
Read up on Sampling Methods (found in the Laboratory Manual)


Sir's not mad at us, slightly pissed at some attitudes, but it's fine. At least we were productive today, right? Righhht? :) Nico, you have to smile and relax. :-bd

There are still some batch shirts with me, please get them from me.

It is now on the 21st.

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