Hey guys! How was your looong weekends? I hope you made the most out of it ;;)
So, here are the things we need for this week :-bd
Hum Sched!
August 31
8-9am Opening Salvo (Grandstand)
9-10 am: House Salusalo. (Grandstand)
10-12 pm: Laro ng Lahi (Grandstand again)
10-12 pm: Laro ng Lahi (Grandstand again)
1-5pm Photo Essay Writing Comp. (Library)
- 1 contestant per section. IDK who ours is :))
Rap/Performance Poetry (Gym)
- 1 contestant per section. IDK who ours is :))
Rap/Performance Poetry (Gym)
What to where: Yellow shirt + jeans/jogging pants + rubber shoes
*Bring extra yellow shirt :-bd. And tell your folks/sundo na. We'll be practicing up until 7pm. Bring money, 'cause we'll make padeli. Those who have VALID reasons are the only ones allowed to miss the practice :P
September 1:
8-12 PRACTICE FOR DI-KUM! (2nd floor Blob)
1-5pm Di-kum! :OOO (3rd floor Audi)
1-5pm Di-kum! :OOO (3rd floor Audi)
What to where: Uniform in the morning. Costume in the afternoon
Costumes: Girls - White shirt/blouse + something yellow
Boys - Black shirt/blouse + something yellow
Costumes: Girls - White shirt/blouse + something yellow
Boys - Black shirt/blouse + something yellow
*For those who can bring make-up again, please do :D~~
September 2:
8-9am iLab Pisay. iServe (Gym)
10-12pm Symposium on Patriotism (4th Floor Audi)
and Leadership
2-5pm Art Exhibit (Digital Art) (2nd Floor Exhibit area)
Fashion Show. Theme: Spring (Flob)
10-12pm Symposium on Patriotism (4th Floor Audi)
and Leadership
2-5pm Art Exhibit (Digital Art) (2nd Floor Exhibit area)
Fashion Show. Theme: Spring (Flob)
What to where: Uniform.
Things due:
Bio Homework - The questions about the circulation
- The blood clot diagram, i think
That's all folks!
Comment if I got forgot or had something wrong :-bd