Hi Guys! Reminders:
STR- Dont forget to bring an article about your topic. Read it!
SS- Quiz tomorrow on SGR. Also, answer the guide questions for the selections. (Due pala to bukas)
1) According to the World Bank estimsates, how much is the Third World debt?
2) Explain how the "developing countries"/Third World Countries/Suthe fell into debt.
3) How was the borrowed money spent?
Term to learn: capital flight
4) Who was responsible for this lending-spending spree?
5) How did a debt crisis develop?
6) Study the graph comparing external debt and basic social servicess of Third World countries. Explain what it shows.
7) How does "divide and rule" come into picture? Explain.
8) What dual role do the IMF and World Bank play in the debt crisis?
Terms to learn: multilateral debt, Heavily indebted Poor Countris initiative, structural adjustment programs, currency de valuation, tariffs, food subsidies
9) How have cuts in goveernment spending affected the poor in Third World countries?
Terms to learn: cash crops
CHEM- LT on Monday. About Lewis structure ~ Molecular Orbital Theory)
ENG- Please bring extra illustration board/cardboard if you have.
P.S. Don't forget about that little paper Gan gave.